Description of Funds
General Global – We invite you to join us in touching lives in Israel and in over 70 countries worldwide through Jewish Federation. Together we will support troubled youth in Haifa, sustain the disabled grandmother in Uzbekistan and provide security to the internally displaced in Ukraine. Gifts to this fund are transferred to one of three global organizations – The Jewish Agency for Israel, the Joint Distribution Committee or World ORT. Funds are needed around the world to support people in emergency situations and for day to day social, educational and medical needs.
Senior Care in Tbilisi, Georgia (Former Soviet Union) - The Hesed Eliyahu Relief Center provides elderly Jews with food, homecare, medical care and winter relief. Last year, Hesed Eliyahu provided critical services to 1,376 individuals.
Youth Futures in Dimona, Israel - Youth Futures in Dimona, provides trained mentors who work as trusted guides helping students improve school performance, strengthen social integration, and inspire engagement with the community.
Local (Ithaca Area Jewish Needs) – Gifts to this fund support our local organizations including the religious schools at Temple Beth-El and Congregation Tikkun v’Or, the Hillels on both campuses, the Ithaca Jewish Preschool and the Chabad House. Our allocations committee will consider grants to additional organizations upon request.
Hesed Emergency Fund - Gifts to this fund help people in our community through assistance to pay for essential needs.
PJ Library – Jewish Bedtime Stories and Songs – This free subscription program is open to any young family in the Ithaca area with a Jewish family member. It is supported by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and the IAUJC (through local donations). The program sends monthly, age appropriate books and music to celebrate Jewish holidays and values. The IAUJC also conducts several PJ Library events every year, as well as distributing gift bags to families during the holidays.
The Special Initiatives Fund – This fund was established to encourage local community members to bridge differences and seek ways of networking and celebrating our culture. Requests for grants from this fund can be made to our Allocations Committee via Howard Erlich at
The Jacob and Jeannette Geldwert Holocaust Memorial Fund - The Geldwert's children, Josef and his wife Janice, and Ella and her husband Jesse Levy, established a fund for a continuing public commemoration marking Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, in Ithaca. The event has featured Holocaust survivors who have spoken to standing-room-only audiences from across the region.
Camperships for Jewish Summer Experiences - Thanks to a generous grant from the Robert & Marcia Ascher Endowment / IAUJC, as well as generous local donors to IAUJC, funds are available to help Ithaca area children and teens have the best summer experiences.
Donate online using our eTapestry form above on this page. Or you may download the printer-friendly form at the very bottom of this page and mail it in. Please send your donation to:
IAUJC PO Box 4214, Ithaca, NY 14852-4214