Congregation Tikkun v’Or (Ithaca Reform Temple) is a vibrant congregation that strives for a warm personal bond among its members, quality education for the children, and a dynamic program for adults. We welcome those from diverse backgrounds, interfaith families, people who are newly discovering Jewish connections as well as those with a wide range of Jewish experiences. Our core values are best expressed by three words: Spirit/Justice Community.
Our congregation is dedicated to justice, equality, human rights, and security for all. Our members have varying perspectives on how to achieve these goals and we share a commitment to an open and respectful dialogue.
Shabbat Services are held Friday evenings and some Saturday mornings at our synagogue. Congregation Tikkun v’Or offers progressive Jewish education through Jewish Learning Experiences (JLE), a program for children in kindergarten through 7th grade. For more information contact info@tikkunvor.org.