Kol Haverim is a secular Jewish community welcoming those who desire non-theistic ways to celebrate their identity, culture, and heritage. We offer celebrations of Jewish holidays for the whole family, as well as social, cultural, and educational programs. We welcome individuals and families with mixed religious/ethnic backgrounds and those who wish to provide their children with a sense of Jewish identity and experience with humanistic focus.
Membership is open to all with an interest in exploring and celebrating Jewish identity and heritage. Consult our website for up-to-date information on upcoming events. To receive e-mail announcements of upcoming events, send contact information to membership@kolhaverim.net. For information on youth events, please contact education@kolhaverim.net. Kol Haverim is affiliated with the Society for Humanistic Judaism. In addition to meeting at Lifelong, we gather at Just Be Cause Center, 1013 W. State St, Ithaca and Foundation of Light, 391 Turkey Hill Rd, Ithaca.