Claire-Lise Rosenfield was born and raised in Geneva, Switzerland. She first came to the US as an American Field Service student, returned to Switzerland to finish high school and study Chemistry and Biology at the University of Geneva, then came back to the US (just for a year!) but then met Richard Rosenfield… They married in 1971, completed their PhDs in 1974 (Claire-Lise’s was in plant biochemistry), and had two children. Their professional lives took them to many places, and Claire-Lise held research positions in all of them, finally “recycling” her skills into molecular biology. While in Geneva NY, she did research at the NYS Experiment Station and helped Richard serve the Geneva Temple Beth-El congregation, and they both became dedicated square dancers. Retiring in Ithaca NY, they became active members of Temple Beth-El and of Tikkun v’Or, and when Richard morphed into a square caller, Claire-Lise became his active helper. Claire-Lise joined the IAUJC as a Treasurer responsible for incoming donations.