Ex Officio. Naomi Wilensky is the Education Director & Administrative Coordinator at Congregation Tikkun v’Or (Ithaca Reform Temple).
She has lived in Ithaca for 28 years, with her husband Joe and has four mostly-grown daughters.
The Board of Directors of the IAUJC are all volunteers. We represent Jewish organizations, individuals and the greater Jewish community. IAUJC strengthens Jewish community locally and abroad. Please join us. We are always looking for volunteers, new board members, fresh talent and ideas. Contact us via email at info@iaujc.org, fill out the volunteer form or write to us at PO Box 4214, Ithaca, NY, 14852.
Ex Officio. Naomi Wilensky is the Education Director & Administrative Coordinator at Congregation Tikkun v’Or (Ithaca Reform Temple).
She has lived in Ithaca for 28 years, with her husband Joe and has four mostly-grown daughters.