Carole Stone is a more or less retired freelance writer and editor who joined the IAUJC board to strengthen the Jewish community of Greater Ithaca and help support the Land, State, and people of Israel. Carole was born in Brooklyn and raised in West Orange, NJ, along with her one-year-older brother, in a Reform Jewish home. Enough said. Carole studied history at Yale College, earning a bachelor’s degree in 1980. She made her first visit to Israel in January 1984, living on Kibbutz Mishmar Ha’Emek and studying in ulpan. In August 1986 Carole moved to Ithaca and begin a 22-year career with Cornell’s Media Relations division (Cornell Chronicle, Communication Strategies, Publications). She is a member of Temple Beth El who appreciates the vibrancy of Roitman Chabad and is very glad that the Center for Jewish Living exists.